Download or view scarfquine.frink in plain text format
s = readLines["file:scarfquine.frink"]
g = new graphics; g.font["Monospaced", 1]
for n = 0 to length[s]-1
g.text[s@n, (n div 10) * 40,
1.22 (n mod 10), "left", "center"]
f = new image[g, 1200, 100];
[w, h] = f.getSize[]
n = 0
for x = w - 1 to 0 step -1
for y = 0 to h - 1
n = n * 2
[r,g,b] = f.getPixel[x,y]
if r < 1/2
n = n + 1
n = n * h
println["n = $n"]
println["Graph the points:"]
println[" 0 <= x < $w,"]
println[" n <= y < n + $h,"]
println[" where"]
println[" 1/2 > floor(mod(floor(y / $h)*"]
println[" 2^(-$h * floor(x) - "]
println[" mod(floor(y), $h)),2))"]
// Reproduce the scarf just from n
gr = new graphics
for x = 0 to w - 1
for y = n to n + h - 1
if ((y div h) * 2 ^ (-h x -
(y mod h))) mod 2 >= 1/2
gr.fillRectCenter[x, -(y - n), 1, 1][]
Download or view scarfquine.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20143 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes ago.