
Download or view lsim.frink in plain text format


/** This program is a "graphical" ls program that lists image files as ANSI
    graphics.  If passed no arguments, this will list all the files in the
    current directory. 

/* We handle the command-line switches here because fetching the number of
   columns in the window using, say, tput, doesn't seem to work right within
   a Java process.  We instead have an external script at ~/bin/lsim that
   sets the -c flag.

   The bash file "lsim" that sets the number of columns looks like (adjust
   paths for your system):

cols=$(tput cols)
frink /home/eliasen/prog/frink/samples/lsim.frink -c $cols "$@"


recursive = false
cols = 60
len = length[ARGS]
while i<len
   if ARGS@i == "-c"  // Number of columns
      cols = eval[ARGS@i]
      len = len - 2

   if ARGS@i == "-r"  // recursive
      recursive = true
      len = len - 1
   i = i + 1

if length[ARGS] == 0
   if recursive
      urls = fileURLsRecursive["."]
      urls = fileURLs["."]
   urls = map["filenameToURL", ARGS]
for f = select[urls, %r/\.(jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|gif|tif|tiff)$/i]
   img = new image[f]
   [width, height] = img.getSize[]
   println["  ${width}x$height"]

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20148 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes ago.