
Download or view lsim.frink in plain text format


/** This program is a "graphical" ls program that lists image files as ANSI
    graphics.  If passed no arguments, this will list all the files in the
    current directory. 

/* We handle the command-line switches here because fetching the number of
   columns in the window using, say, tput, doesn't seem to work right within
   a Java process.  We instead have an external script at ~/bin/lsim that
   sets the -c flag.

   The bash file "lsim" that sets the number of columns looks like (adjust
   paths for your system):

cols=$(tput cols)
frink /home/eliasen/prog/frink/samples/lsim.frink -c $cols "$@"


recursive = false
cols = 60
len = length[ARGS]
while i<len
   if ARGS@i == "-c"  // Number of columns
      cols = eval[ARGS@i]
      len = len - 2

   if ARGS@i == "-r"  // recursive
      recursive = true
      len = len - 1
   i = i + 1

if length[ARGS] == 0
   if recursive
      urls = fileURLsRecursive["."]
      urls = fileURLs["."]
   urls = map["filenameToURL", ARGS]
for f = select[urls, %r/\.(jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|gif|tif|tiff)$/i]
   img = new image[f]
   [width, height] = img.getSize[]
   println["  ${width}x$height"]

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 13 hours, 53 minutes ago.