
Download or view earthdisttest.frink in plain text format

// Tests earth distance calculations according to example 11.c in Jean Meeus
// _Astronomical Algorithms_
// Note that this now uses a different ellipsoidal calculation than the
// Meeus calculations.

use navigation.frink

// Paris
long1 = (2 degrees + 20 arcmin + 14 arcsec) East
lat1 = (48 degrees + 50 arcmin + 11 arcsec) North

// Washington
long2 = (77 degrees + 3 arcmin + 56 arcsec) West
lat2 =  (38 degrees + 55 arcmin + 17 arcsec) North

println[earthDistance[lat1, long1, lat2, long2]->"km"]
println[earthBearing[lat1, long1, lat2, long2]->"degrees"]

//MITLatEast =  (42 degrees + 21.6154 arcmin) North
//MITLongEast = (71 degrees +  5.4036 arcmin) West

//MITLatWest =  (42 degrees + 21.5176 arcmin) North
//MITLongWest = (71 degrees +  5.7038 arcmin) West

// Best Average from differential GPS 
MITLatEast =  42.36022484 degrees North
MITLongEast = 71.09008343 degrees West

MITLatWest =  42.35861113 degrees North
MITLongWest = 71.09504458 degrees West

println[earthDistance[MITLatEast, MITLongEast, MITLatWest, MITLongWest]->"m"]
println[earthBearing[MITLatEast, MITLongEast, MITLatWest, MITLongWest]->"degrees"]

//println[earthBearing[MITLatEast, MITLongEast, MITLatEast, MITLongEast + .002 arcmin]->"degrees"]

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Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 6 hours, 38 minutes ago.