Download or view drawMarsJupiter.frink in plain text format
/** This draws the 2024 conjunction of Mars and Jupiter and Saturn for any given
date. Try:
frink drawMarsJupiter.frink "2024-08-14 09:00"
for what is probably the closest approach for
Denver, Colorado, USA. Try a few hours early for nighttime.
use planets.frink
lat = 40 deg North
long = 105 deg West
if length[ARGS] > 0
d = parseDate[ARGS@0]
d = now[]
[maz, malt] = Planet.Mars.refractedAzimuthAltitude[d, lat, long]
[jaz, jalt] = Planet.Jupiter.refractedAzimuthAltitude[d, lat, long]
jrad = Planet.Jupiter.radiusAngle[d]
mrad = Planet.Mars.radiusAngle[d]
// Center on Jupiter (because it moves the slowest in the sky)
g1 = Planet.drawJupiterMoonsRelativeToZenith[d, lat, long, (jaz-jaz) cos[-jalt],
-(jalt-jalt), jrad, true, true]
g2 = Planet.Mars.drawPolygonRelativeToZenith[d, lat, long, (maz-jaz) cos[-jalt], -(malt-jalt), mrad, true]
g = new graphics
g.invertGrays[].write["drawMarsJupiter.png", 2048, undef]
g.invertGrays[].write["drawMarsJupiter.svg", 2048, undef]
Download or view drawMarsJupiter.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes ago.