
Download or view DivideAndConquer.frink in plain text format

// Solver for the "Divide & Conquer" geocache, GC37TRN
// http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=e319c07a-8006-4ccb-ad68-4888059b799f

use navigation.frink
use GoogleEarth.frink

// Just solving for these is sufficient.
n1 = "AI.AFI"
n2 = "BI.HCE"
p = "E.AAE"


eq= "floor[$n1 / $n2, 0.001] == $p   &&  $n1 - $n2 == GD.EGA"

chars = sort[toSet[select[charList[n1 + n2 + p + others], %r/[A-Z]/i]]]

for vals = toArray[0 to 9].lexicographicPermute[]
   if vals@4 != 1    // E must be 1
   en = eq
   for i=0 to 9
      sub = subst[chars@i, toString[vals@i], "g"]
      en =~ sub

   // Found the solution!  Now all this extra code to format the output nicely.
   if eval[en]
      p1 = "BI.HCE"
      p2 = "AI.AFI"
      for i=0 to 9
         sub = subst[chars@i, toString[vals@i], "g"]
         p1 =~ sub
         p2 =~ sub
      solution = "[DMS[39,$p1] North,   DMS[104,$p2] West]"
      [lat,long] = eval[solution]
      println[[lat,long] -> "degrees"]
      browseGoogleMaps[lat, long, "GC37TRN"]

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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 21 hours, 5 minutes ago.