
Download or view CornbreadCache.frink in plain text format

use Solver.frink
use navigation.frink
use GoogleEarth.frink

// Solve Geocache GC3DDV2 "Pie are round, Cornbread are square!"


cornbread = new Solver[[lesserRadius === 5.25 inches,
                        greaterRadius === sqrt[2 lesserRadius^2],
                        cornbread === 2 lesserRadius,
                        squareCornbread === cornbread^2,
                        circleArea === 31658390 squareCornbread,
                        circleArea === pi circleRadius^2],
                   ["pi", "inches"]]

dist = cornbread.solveFor["circleRadius",[]]@0
println["Distance is " + format[dist, "feet", 2]]

centerLat =  DMS[ 39,36] North
centerLong = DMS[104,57] West
bearing = 60.06 degrees

// Do a high-precision ellipsoidal calculation of the final location
[lat, long] = resultantLatLong[centerLat, centerLong, dist, bearing]

println["Latitude:    " + format[lat,  degrees, 5]]
println["Longitude: " +   format[long, degrees ,5]]

// Launch the results on Google Maps in a browser.
browseGoogleMaps[lat, long, "GC3DDV2"]

Download or view CornbreadCache.frink in plain text format

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Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes ago.