
Download or view mithengeplanets.frink in plain text format

// Program to calculate planet crossing of the Infinite Corridor at MIT
// known as "MIThenge"
// More info at also
// Thanks to Keith Winstein, Ken Olum, Lenny Foner, and Matthias Huerlemann
// for various data and surveying assistance.
// For worked predictions, see
// Alan Eliasen,

use mithengecorridor.frink
use cambridgetempFourier.frink
use sun.frink
use planets.frink

sep = "\t"
preamble = ""

if length[ARGS] > 0 && ARGS@0 == "--html"
   sep = "<TD>"
   preamble = "<TR><TD>"

dateOut = ### yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a zzz ###

for planet = Planet.planetsMinusEarth
   date = beginningOfYear[now[]]
   end = beginningOfYearPlus[now[], 2]
   while (date < end)
      temperature = cambridgeTemp[date]
      date = planet.secantAzimuth[date, lat, long, corridorAzimuthMeeus, temperature, pressure]
      [azimuth, altitude] = planet.refractedAzimuthAltitude[date, lat, long, temperature, pressure]
      print[planet.getName[] + sep]
      print[(date -> [dateOut, "Eastern"]) + sep]
      print[format[JD[date],day,5] + sep]
      print[format[altitude,degrees,2] + sep]
      if altitude < (0.91 degrees) and altitude > 0 degrees
         print["$sep+ " + skyDarkness[date,lat, long]]

      date = date + 1 day

Download or view mithengeplanets.frink in plain text format

This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20238 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes ago.