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// Vector math timing test

size = million

a = new array[[size], {|x| random[1, billion]}]
b = new array[[size], {|x| random[1, billion]}]
println["Arrays allocated."]

sum1 = 0 s
sum2 = 0 s
for iter = 1 to 30
   start1 = now[]
   c = new array[size]
   for i=0 to size-1
      c@i = a@i + b@i

   end1 = now[]

   start2 = now[]
   d = add[a,b]
   end2 = now[]
   if c != d

   t1 = end1-start1
   t2 = end2-start2
   sum1 = sum1 + t1
   sum2 = sum2 + t2
   println["Iter: " + (t1 -> "ms") + "\tvec: " + (t2->"ms")]

println["Speedup is " + formatFix[sum1/sum2, 1, 4]]

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Alan Eliasen was born 20152 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes ago.