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// Attempt to solve a graphical puzzle,
use systemSolver2.frink
simult = new System[[tri + sqr + sqr + tri === 28,
hex + sqr + hex + sqr === 30,
cir + tri + cir + cir === 18,
cir + sqr + cir + cir === 20,
sqr + sqr + tri + sqr === 30,
sqr + hex + cir + cir === 23,
tri + sqr + cir + cir === 22,
solution === tri + hex + cir + cir]]
// I was trying this complicated solution until I realized the simpler
// solution === ... line above
tri = simult.solveForValues["tri",[]]@0
hex = simult.solveForValues["hex",[]]@0
cir = simult.solveForValues["cir",[]]@0
println["Solution: " + (tri + hex + cir + cir)]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes ago.