Download or view sphericalEmbossGrayTest.frink in plain text format
/** This is a test of cylindrical embossing for 3-D printing. */
res = 254/inch
h = 1 inch
r = 1 inch
// Test on a cylinder
// v = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0,0,h/2 res,0,0,-h/2 res, r res]]
// Test on a cuboid
/*v = callJava["", "cube", [-r/2 res, r/2 res,
-r/2 res, r/2 res,
-h/2 res, h/2 res, true]]
// Or a sphere
v = callJava["", "makeSphere", [r res]]
// Load an image
//img = new image["file:Frink100.png"]
//img = new image["file:aiFabric-knitPattern_depth2.jpg"]
img = new image[""]
// Or create one from text
/*g = new graphics
g.font["SansSerif", "bold", 10]
g.text["Frink Rules!",0,0]
img = g.toImage[undef, 200][]
// 2-pixel cube tool for testing
pixelTool = newJava["", [0,2,0,2,0,2,true]]
//emboss = v.sphericalEmboss[img, 0,0,0, 180 deg, 360 deg, 0 deg, 90 deg, 0, 192, -.2 cm res, 0 cm res, .5 cm res, 0 cm res, pixelTool, 0, 0, 0]
emboss = v.sphericalEmboss[img, 0,0,0, 180 deg, 360 deg, 0 deg, 180 deg, 0, 255, 0 cm res, 0 cm res, 0 cm res, -.5 cm res, pixelTool, 0, 0, 0]
// Comment in one of these lines to test various uses of the embossed data.
// Test removal
v = v.union[emboss] // Test addition
//v = emboss
// Just show embossing.
filename = "sphericalEmbossGray.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["v", 1/(res mm)]]
Download or view sphericalEmbossGrayTest.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20139 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes ago.