Download or view kittyHockeyPuck.frink in plain text format
/** Make a kitty-sized hockey puck with embossed text.
A standard hockey puck is 3 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick.
diam = 1.25 in
height = diam / 3
textHeight = .25 in
textDepth = 2 mm
chamferHeight = 1 mm
// The resolution of the object in voxels/length.
r = 254*2/in
// Puck body
c1 = chamferedCylinder[diam/2 r, height r, chamferHeight r]
t1 = text["Mischa", textHeight r, textDepth r]
t1.translate[0, 0, round[(height-textDepth/2) r]]
t2 = text["Smokey", textHeight r, textDepth r]
t2 = t2.rotateXYZ[0,0,0,0 deg, 180 deg, 0 deg]
t2.translate[0, 0, round[textDepth/2 r]]
filename = "kittyHockeyPuck.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[c1.toObjFormat["test", 1/(r mm)]]
/** Extrude text and create a VoxelArray of it. */
text[str, textHeight, depth] :=
g = new graphics
g.font["SansSerif", "bold", textHeight]
g.text[str, 0, 0]
img = g.toImage[undef, round[textHeight]].autocrop[]
return callJava["", "extrudeZ", [img, depth]]
/** Make a chamfered cylinder */
chamferedCylinder[radius, height, chamferHeight] :=
// Bottom layer
c1 = callJava["", "makeTaperedCylinder", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, chamferHeight, radius-chamferHeight, radius]]
// Central cylinder
c2 = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0, 0, chamferHeight, 0, 0, height-chamferHeight, radius]]
// Top cylinder
c3 = callJava["", "makeTaperedCylinder", [0, 0, height-chamferHeight, 0, 0, height, radius, radius-chamferHeight]]
return c1.union[c2].union[c3]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20115 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes ago.