Download or view hints.frink in plain text format
// This library gives hints to help you through a calculation.
// These hints are mostly based on failed calculations that I've seen
// performed through the web-based interface.
use HTMLUtils.frink
// Str should include the whole input program like "foot -> m"
getHints[str, fromStr, toStr, results] :=
h = ""
c = str
// Using "per" for division which is ambiguous. For example, when you
// say "miles per hour" you want miles/hour, but when you say
// "days per week" you want to see 7, which is actually "week/day"
// Best not to let this ambiguous English bit slip in.
if c =~ %r/\bper\b/i
c =~ %s/\bper\b/\//ig
h = h + """<LI>The word <CODE>per</CODE> is currently not allowed as
a synonym for division (because it's ambiguous in some cases.)
For example, when you say "miles per hour" you want
miles/hour, but when you say "days per week" you probably
expect to get 7, which is actually "week/day" (the size of a
week divided by the size of a day.) Since this is ambiguous
in English, I don't try to guess what you mean.
Please use the <CODE>/</CODE> character to indicate division.
<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n"
// Frink uses square brackets for function calls, not parentheses.
// This is to preserve the implicit multiplication in standard mathematical
// notation like x(x+1)
if c =~ %r/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*)\((.*?)\)/ // Function calls with parens
c =~ %s/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*)\((.*?)\)/$1[$2]/g
h = h + """<LI>Frink uses square brackets <CODE>[ ]</CODE>
to indicate function calls, and parentheses to indicate
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/faq.html#WhySquareBrackets">Why?</A>
For example,<P>
<CODE>sin[30 degrees]</CODE><P>
If you intended to call a function, you might try to write it
as something like: <P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n"
// Ounces are mass. Fluid ounces are volume.
if c =~ %r/\b(oz|ounces?|fluid)\b/ // oz / floz confusion
c =~ %s/\b(fluid\s+(ounces?\b|(oz\.|oz\b)))/floz/gi
c =~ %s/\b(fl\.?\s+(ounces?\b|(oz\.|oz\b)))/floz/gi
c =~ %s/\b((oz\.|oz\b)|ounces?\b|fluid\b)/floz/gi
h = h + """<LI>The wonderful English system of measurements uses the word
<CODE>ounce</CODE> to describe two completely different units
of measure.
One is a unit of mass, the other a unit of volume.
When referring to volume, the term is properly called
"fluid ounce." In Frink, please use
<CODE>fluidounce</CODE> or <CODE>floz</CODE> to indicate the
fluid ounce and
<CODE>ounce</CODE> or <CODE>oz</CODE> to refer to mass.
If you meant the fluid ounce, your calculation becomes:
<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n"
// Warn about the word "of." Frink doesn't try to parse sentences,
// because they're usually ambiguous.
if c =~ %r/\bof\b/i
[property, noun] = c =~ %r/(\w+)\s+of\s+(?:(?:a|an|the)\s+)?(\w+)/i
property = lc[property]
noun = lc[noun]
fallbackName = "$noun$property"
fallback = unit[fallbackName]
fallbackHelp = ""
if (fallback != undef)
c =~ %s/(\w+)\s+of\s+(?:(?:a|an|the)\s+)?(\w+)/$2 + $1/egi
fallbackHelp = """<P>In fact, Frink has a unit called
<CODE CLASS="input">$fallbackName</CODE> which is equal to:<P>
$fallbackName = """ + HTMLEncode["$fallback"] +
"""\n<P>If that's what you need, your calculation
might look something like: <P><CODE>""" +
HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n";
} else
c =~ %s/\s+of\s+(?:(?:a|an|the)\s+)?/ /gi
h = h + """<LI>Frink currently doesn't use the word "of" as a modifier.
All Frink symbols are a single word. If you're looking for
something like <CODE>$property of $noun</CODE>, it might
be called something like: <CODE>$noun$property</CODE> or
If you want to see all of the units that contain "$noun",
you should type part or all of "$noun" into the "Lookup"
field or, better yet, enter
<CODE>??$noun</CODE> into the From: box and see what you get.
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/index.html#IntegratedHelp">More about
integrated help.</A>\n"""
// "the" is not used. Sentences are ambiguous.
if [useless] = c =~ %r/\bthe\b/i
c =~ %s/\bthe\b//ig
h = h + """<LI>The word "the" has no meaning in Frink. Please eliminate
it. Your calculation might become:<P><CODE>""" +
HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n"
// The Google calculator uses the word "in" where Frink uses ->
if c =~ %r/\bin\b/i
c =~ %s/\bin\b/->/i
h = h + """<LI>Instead of the word "in", Frink uses the
<CODE>-></CODE> operator to convert to different units. Your
calculation might become:<P><CODE>""" +
HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n" +
"""<P>However, it's unnecessary to type this symbol. Just enter the
units you're converting from in the "From:" box and the units you're
converting to in the "To:" box above.\n (Hint: You can probably switch between these quickly using the tab key.)"""
// I sometimes see "kilo/kilos/k" used by itself. A thousand what?
if [let] = c =~ %r/\b(kilos?|k)\b/
h = h + """<LI>If you're using "k" or "kilo" or
"kilos" to mean 1000 of something, you need to specify
what you're specifying 1000 of, or it's ambiguous.
Did you mean "kilograms" or "kg" or maybe "kilometers"
or "km"?"""
if (let == "k")
h = h + """<P>If you meant the temperature scale kelvin, that's
either written "kelvin" (with a small k) or simply "K"
with a capital K."""
// Temperature conversions. Fahrenheit and Celsius, apart from being
// almost always misspelled, cannot be treated as normal multiplicative
// units because they don't have a reasonable zero-point at absolute
// zero. Point the user to the different meanings of the units.
if c =~ %r/\b(deg|degC|degF|F|C|(?:degree|deg)?[cC]el[sc]ius|(?:degree|deg)?[fF]ah?renheit|rankine|Rankine|Kelvin)\b/
h = h + """<LI>Are you doing a temperature calculation?
Keep in mind that
if you're using the Celsius or Fahrenheit system, the zero
point is not at absolute zero, so these units can't be
written as normal multiplicative units. You also need to be
clear whether you're specifying an absolute temperature
or the <EM>size</EM> of a degree in the Fahrenheit or
Celsius system. (You use the <EM>size</EM> only when you're
indicating the <EM>difference</EM> between two temperatures.)
<P> Frink can do it all, but you need to be unambiguous as
to which you mean, so you don't get a wrong answer. For more
information, please see the
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/index.html#TemperatureScales">Temperature
Scales</A> section of the documentation."""
if c =~ %r/\b[cC]elcius\b/
h = h + """<P>By the way, you spelled "Celsius" wrong.
I see that a lot.</P>"""
if c =~ %r/\b[fF]arenheit\b/
h = h + """<P>By the way, you spelled "Fahrenheit" wrong.
I see that a lot.</P>"""
// Look for attempted date calculations without surrounding pound
// signs.
if c =~ %r/\b(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)/
if ! (c =~ %r/#/)
h = h + """<LI>Are you trying to do a date calculation? To be
unambiguous, you need to surround dates with pound signs
something like <P>
<CODE># August 19, 1969 #</CODE>
<P>Frink recognizes
<A HREF="/frinkdata/dateformats.txt">lots of date/time
formats</A>, and can do a lot of calculations and
conversions with dates. Please see the
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/index.html#DateTimeHandling">Date/Time
Handling</A> section of the documentation
for more information."""
// Provide suggestions for possible unparsed dates.
if results =~ %r/#/
h = h + """<LI>Are you trying to do a date calculation? To be
unambiguous, you need to surround dates with pound signs
something like <P>
<CODE># August 19, 1969 #</CODE>.
If the date you're entering is not
being parsed, please use one of the formats listed
<A HREF="/frinkdata/dateformats.txt">in the official
formats</A>. I know you've learned from the Y2K fiasco that
you must enter 4-digit years. (Most-significant digits
first are recommended.) See the
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/index.html#DateTimeHandling">Date/Time
Handling</A> section of the documentation
for more information."""
// Warn about standard mathematical precedence in things like
// 30 miles / 2 hours where the calculation may actually want to be:
// 30 miles / (2 hours)
if [quot] = c =~ %r/\/\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*[[:alpha:]]\w*)/
c =~ %s/\/\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*\w+)/\/ ($1) /g
h = h + """<LI>There is an implicit multiplication in "$quot". Frink
follows normal mathematical rules of precedence
(multiplication and division are at the same precedence, and
performed left to right,) so you <EM>may</EM> need to put
parentheses around the right-hand-side of the equation:
<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + """</CODE>
<P>See <A HREF="/frinkdocs/faq.html#ParenthesesAroundRight">this
section of the FAQ</A> for more information."""
// People use the date calculations from the manual and miss the
// obvious and necessary brackets after the now[] function.
if c =~ %r/\bnow\b\s*[^\[]/
c =~ %s/\bnow\b/now\[\]/g
h = h + """<LI>Did you mean the <EM>function</EM>
<CODE CLASS="input">now[]</CODE> ?
That's a function, so you need the square brackets after it.
Your calculation might become:
<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>"
// Check for capitalization
for [word] results =~ %r/(\w+)\s*\(undefined symbol\)/ig
printed = false
if (word =~ %r/^(of|the|per|a|an)$/i) or (length[word] <= 1)
array = array[select[units[], regex["^$word$", "i"]]]
len = length[array]
for cap = array
if ((cap == word) and (len == 1))
if (not printed)
h = h + "<LI>Frink is case-sensitive. Did you mean one of the following capitalizations for <CODE CLASS=\"input\"><SPAN CLASS=\"warning\">$word</SPAN></CODE>?\n<UL>"
printed = true
h = h + "<LI><CODE CLASS=\"input\">$cap</CODE> = " + unit[cap] + "\n"
if len == 1
rep = subst["\\b$word\\b", cap, "g"]
c =~ rep
h = h + """<P>If so, your calculation becomes:</P>
<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE></P>"
if printed
h = h + "</UL>"
// If an exact capitalization match isn't found,
// see if the word occurs as a substring in a unit name.
altstr = ""
// Skip certain words.
if (word =~ %r/^(of|the|per|a|an)$/i) or (length[word] <= 1)
// Remove plural ending if the word is >= 4 characters long
if ((word =~ %r/s$/i) and (length[word] >= 4))
singular = substrLen[word, 0, length[word]-1]
singular = word
// If word is 3 chars or shorter, just look for it at the
// beginning or the end.
if (length[singular] <= 3)
pat = regex["((^$singular)|($singular$))", "i"]
pat = regex["$singular", "i"]
x = sort[array[select[units[], pat]]]
y = new array
// Look for fuzzy spelling
len = length[word]
lowerword = lowercase[word]
for poss = units[]
lposs = length[poss]
maxlen = max[len, lposs]
if (abs[lposs - len] / maxlen <= 1/3)
closeness = editDistanceDamerau[lowerword, lowercase[poss]]
if (closeness/maxlen <= 1/3)
y.push[ [poss, closeness] ]
// Sort by closeness
sort[y, byColumn[1]]
for [poss, closeness] y
for option = x
if word == option // Avoid exact matches.
if (altstr == "")
altstr = """<LI>The symbol
<CODE><SPAN CLASS="warning">$word</SPAN></CODE> was not found.
Perhaps you meant one of the following units:\n<UL>"""
unit = unit[option]
if unit conforms currency // Don't fetch currencies
altstr = altstr + "<LI><CODE CLASS=\"input\">$option</CODE> (currency)\n"
altstr = altstr + "<LI><CODE CLASS=\"input\">$option</CODE> = $unit\n"
if (altstr != "")
h = h + altstr + "\n</UL>"
altstr = ""
// Note about bad capitalizations of SI prefix names like "kilo"
if [word] = results =~ %r/(\w+)\s*\(undefined symbol\)/i
if [prefix, rest] = word =~ %r/^(yotta|zetta|exa|peta|tera|giga|mega|kilo|hecto|deka|deci|centi|milli|micro|nano|pico|femto|atto|zepto|yocto)(.*)/i
if (prefix =~ %r/[A-Z]/) // And it contains a capital letter
pRight = lc[prefix]
sub = subst[word, "$pRight$rest"]
c =~ sub
h = h + """<LI>You appear to be miscapitalizing the SI prefix
"<CODE CLASS="input">$pRight</CODE>". Under the rules of the
International System of Units, these names must <EM>not</EM> be
capitalized. See the
<A HREF="">official
list of SI prefixes</A> for more details. Your calculation might
become:<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + """</CODE>
(You may also want to verify the
<A HREF="">correct
capitalization of SI units</A> for
"<CODE CLASS="input">$rest</CODE>" if you continue to have
} else // Try fixing bad "K" prefix
if [prefix, rest] = word =~ %r/^(K)(.+)/
pRight = lc[prefix]
sub = subst[word, "$pRight$rest"]
c =~ sub
h = h + """<LI>You may be miscapitalizing the SI prefix
"<CODE CLASS="input">$pRight</CODE>". Under the rules of the
International System of Units, all prefix symbols have only one
correct capitalization. See the
<A HREF="">official
list of SI prefixes</A> for more details. Your calculation might
become:<P><CODE>""" + HTMLEncode[c] + """</CODE>
(You may also want to verify the
<A HREF="">correct
capitalization of SI units</A> for
"<CODE CLASS="input">$rest</CODE>" if you continue to have
// Note about undefined symbol
if [word] = results =~ %r/(\w+)\s*\(undefined symbol\)/i
// Remove plural ending if the word is >= 4 characters long
if ((word =~ %r/s$/i) and (length[word] >= 4))
word = substrLen[word, 0, length[word]-1]
h = h + """<LI>Your calculation contained one or more names that Frink
does not know about. Generally, if you don't know the name
and/or capitalization that Frink uses for a particular unit,
type one or two
question marks and then all or part of the singular form of
the name you're looking
for. (Two question marks gives more information.
Typing just <EM>part</EM> of the name may help.) For example:
<CODE CLASS="input">??$word</CODE>
For more information on looking up units, read the
<A HREF="/frinkdocs/index.html#IntegratedHelp">Integrated
Help</A> section of the documentation.
// Frink currently uses h for Planck's constant, not hours. This may change
// as hours are more common and h, while not officially defined as an SI
// symbol, is commonly used.
if str =~ %r/\bh\b/
c =~ %s/\bh\b/hr/g
h = h + """<LI>Frink uses the letter <CODE>h</CODE> to stand for
Planck's constant. If you mean <CODE>hour</CODE>, please use
<CODE>hour</CODE> or <CODE>hr</CODE>:<P><CODE>""" +
HTMLEncode[c] + "</CODE>\n"
if h == ""
return h
return """<HR><P><B>If you didn't get the answer you expected:</B></P>
Download or view hints.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20238 days, 10 hours, 58 minutes ago.