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/** This contains sample routines to gzip compress and gunzip decompress in
memory, that is, without writing a file. It leverages Java's
ByteArrayInputStream and ByteArrayOutput stream. */
/** Convert a string into a Java array of bytes. The inverse function is
gunzipBytesToString. */
gzipStringToBytes[str is isString, encoding="UTF-8"] :=
baos = newJava[""]
gz = gzip[baos]
w = new Writer[gz, encoding]
return baos.toByteArray[]
/** Uncompresses a gzipped Java array of bytes into a string, such as that
provided by the gzipStringToBytes function. */
gunzipBytesToString[bytes, encoding="UTF-8"] :=
bais = newJava["", [bytes]]
ugz = gunzip[bais]
return read[ugz, encoding]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20115 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes ago.