
Download or view fontsWithGlyphs.frink in plain text format

/** Locates all of the fonts that have all of the specified glyphs in the
    strings specified on the command-line. */

glyphs = "\u{12029}"   // CUNEIFORM SIGN ALAN

// Read command-line arguments if they exist instead
if length[ARGS] > 0
    glyphs = join[" ", ARGS]

ge = callJava["java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment", "getLocalGraphicsEnvironment"]
fonts = ge.getAllFonts[]

for f = fonts
   for c = chars[glyphs]
      if ! f.canDisplay[c]
         next FONT

Download or view fontsWithGlyphs.frink in plain text format

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Alan Eliasen was born 20108 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes ago.