
Download or view floatTiming.frink in plain text format

/** This program tests floating-point timing for a large number of digits.  It
also calculates the Big-O notation (which should be O(n^something)) where n is
the number of digits being calculated. */

runs = million

lastTime = undef
lastIterations = undef
lastPrecision = undef

n1 = 1.
d1 = 7.

n2 = 2
d2 = 17.

for n = 1 to 3
   lastIterations = 0
   lastTime = 0 s
   lastPrec = 0
   multifor [p, m] = [1 to 7, [1,2]]
      prec = m 10^p
      iterations = ceil[10^(7-p) / m]
      a = n1/d1
      b = n2/d2

      start = now[]
      for r = 1 to iterations
         c = a / b
      end = now[]

      time = end-start

      print["precision=$prec  "]
      if m == 2
         print[" "]
      print["iterations=$iterations  "]
      print["Time:" (time -> "ms")]

      // Calculate Big-O exponent O(n^x)
      if lastTime != undef and lastTime != 0 s and time != 0 s and lastIterations != 0 and iterations != 0 and lastPrec != 0
         iterTime = time/iterations
         lastIterTime = lastTime / lastIterations
         x = log[iterTime/lastIterTime] / log[prec/lastPrec]
         // t = c prec^x     (solve for c)
         // Constant factor c solved via
         // https://frinklang.org/fsp/solve.fsp?eq=t+%3D+c+prec%5Ex&solveFor=c
         c = prec^(-x) iterTime
         println["  O(n^" + formatFix[x,1,3] + ")\t" + formatSig[c,"s",6] + " n^" + formatFix[x,1,3]]
      } else

      lastTime = time
      lastPrec = prec
      lastIterations = iterations

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 12 hours, 31 minutes ago.