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// The rabbit monologue, returned to its
// This program finds reverse translation of Clint Williams' irreversible
// numerical encoding of the McGregor tale:
// dict is a dictionary of words, keyed by their numeric values, values
// are an array of words that this number maps to.
dict = new dict
// Effectively, this is a "set" of the words we've seen.
// TODO: need to implement efficient sets.
usedDict = new dict
// Paths to several Moby wordlists (not included)
// The wordlist files are part of the Moby wordlist project, available at:
files = ["file:///home/eliasen/prog/mobydict/mwords/singlewords.txt",
// Load in the wordfiles and convert words to their numeric values
for file = files
numeric[read[file], usedDict, dict] // Read in wordlists
usedDict = undef
orig = read["file:///c:/prog/frink/rabbitorig.txt"]
// Now perform dechiffrage
orig =~ %s/(\d+)/decipher[$1,dict]/gse
// Function to turn a text into its string representations
// and insert each word mapping into a dictionary.
numeric[string, usedDict, dict] :=
words = split[%r/\s+/s, string] // Split into words
for word = words
if word =~ %r/[^A-Za-z]/ // Discard non-alphabetic words.
if word =~ %r/[A-Z]{2,}/ // Two or more uppercase letters? Skip 'em.
capWord = uppercase[word] // Make all keys uppercase
if (usedDict@capWord) // Already seen it?
usedDict@capWord = true // Mark word as used
// Make numeric value. This could be done more concisely if we
// had a map[] function.
ret = ""
for char = chars[capWord]
char = char - char["A"] + 1
ret = ret + "$char"
// See if number exists already
if (dict@ret != undef)
dict@ret.push[word] // Already exists
// println[dict@ret]
// Comment in to see hash collisions
} else
dict@ret = [word] // Doesn't exist, create a one-element array
// Function to do enciphering, for reference. Note that it's a *whole*
// lot easier to encipher than decipher.
encipher[str] := uc[str] =~ %s/([A-Za-z])/char[$1]-char["A"] + 1/ges
// Function to decipher a single number to its probable word(s)
decipher[num, dict] :=
rev = dict@num
if (! rev)
return num // Word not found, print numeric value
if (length[rev] == 1)
return rev@0 // Only one word; print without brackets
return rev // More than one mapping, print array
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Alan Eliasen was born 20262 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes ago.