Download or view TopHat3D.frink in plain text format
/** This renders a 3-D model to render a top-hat-like shape to Wavefront .obj
file format for 3-D printing.
sides = 100
stopDiam = 10 mm
cylDiam = 18/128 in
cylHeight = 0.75 cm
stopHeight = 1.5 mm
filename = "TopHat" + format[stopDiam,in,2] + "x" + format[cylDiam, in, 2] + "x" + format[cylHeight,mm,1] + ".obj"
println["Filename is $filename"]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println["# TopHat by Frink\n"]
w.println["o tophat\n"]
cylBottom = new array[sides]
cylTop = new array[sides]
stopTop = new array[sides]
stopBottom = new array[sides]
z0 = 0 mm
z1 = -stopHeight
angleStep = circle/sides
// The length unit
u = mm
for i = 0 to sides-1
angle = i angleStep
x = cylDiam/2 cos[angle]
y = cylDiam/2 sin[angle]
zt = cylHeight
cylBottom.push[[x, y, z0, i+1]]
cylTop.push[[x, y, zt, sides+i+1]]
stopTop.push[[stopDiam/2 cos[angle], stopDiam/2 sin[angle], z0, 2 sides+i+1]]
stopBottom.push[[stopDiam/2 cos[angle], stopDiam/2 sin[angle], z1, 3 sides+i+1]]
w.println["# Vertex list \n"]
w.println["\n# Cyl bottom"]
dumpVertices[cylBottom, w, u]
w.println["\n# Cyl top"]
dumpVertices[cylTop, w, u]
w.println["\n# Stop top"]
dumpVertices[stopTop, w, u]
w.println["\n# Stop bottom"]
dumpVertices[stopBottom, w, u]
w.println["# Face list\n"]
//w.println["usemtl Default"]
// Now output the faces. These should be output by vertex numbers in a
// counterclockwise "out" fashion.
topFace = "f"
bottomFace = new array
for i = 0 to sides-1
// Cyl sides
w.println["\n# Cyl sides"]
[xt0, yt0, zt0, ovt0] = cylTop@i
[xb0, yb0, zb0, ovb0] = cylBottom@i
[xt1, yt1, zt1, ovt1] = cylTop@((i+1) mod sides)
[xb1, yb1, zb1, ovb1] = cylBottom@((i+1) mod sides)
w.println["f $ovt0 $ovb0 $ovb1 $ovt1"]
// Upper surface of stop.
[xt0, yt0, zt0, svt0] = stopTop@i
[xb0, yb0, zb0, svb0] = stopBottom@i
[xt1, yt1, zt1, svt1] = stopTop@((i+1) mod sides)
[xb1, yb1, zb1, svb1] = stopBottom@((i+1) mod sides)
w.println["\n# Upper Surface of stop"]
w.println["f $ovb0 $svt0 $svt1 $ovb1"]
// Sides of stop.
w.println["\n# Sides of stop"]
w.println["f $svt0 $svb0 $svb1 $svt1"]
topFace = topFace + " " + ovt0
bottomFace.push[svb0] // We will reverse this later
w.println["\n# Top face"]
w.println["\n# Bottom face"]
w.println["f " + join[" ", reverse[bottomFace]]]
/** Dump an array of vertices */
dumpVertices[array, writer, u] :=
for [x,y,z] = array
writer.println["v " + formatFix[x, u, 5] + " " + formatFix[y, u, 5] + " " + formatFix[z, u, 5]]
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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20143 days, 11 hours, 40 minutes ago.