
Download or view MomTetrahedron.frink in plain text format

use geometry.frink

// Return a polygon object representing the specified equilateral triangle.
// THINK ABOUT:  Would this be better as a GeneralPath of 4 disconnected
// polygons?
makeEquilateralTriangle[g is graphics, cx, cy, sideLength, rotation, label1="", label2="", label3="", center=""] :=
   p = new polygon
   halfL = 1/2 sideLength
   h = halfL sqrt[3]
   halfH = 1/2 h
   rh = 2/3 h
   thirdh = 1/3 h

   x1 = cx
   y1 = cy - rh
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation]
   p.addPoint[x2, y2]

   x1 = cx - halfL
   y1 = cy + thirdh
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation]
   p.addPoint[x2, y2]

   x1 = cx + halfL
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation]
   p.addPoint[x2, y2]


   x1 = cx
   y1 = .95 thirdh + cy

   g.text[center, cx, cy, rotation]
   //g.fillEllipseCenter[cx, cy, .01, .01]
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation+0 degrees]
   g.text[label1, x2, y2, "center", "bottom", rotation + 0 degrees]
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation+120 degrees]
   g.text[label2, x2, y2, "center", "bottom", rotation + 120 degrees]
   [x2, y2] = rotateAroundPoint[x1,y1,cx,cy,rotation-120 degrees]
   g.text[label3, x2, y2, "center", "bottom", rotation - 120 degrees]

// Draw the specified tetrahedron into the graphics object.
makeTetrahedron[g is graphics, cx, cy, sideLength] :=
   hl = sideLength / 2
   ho = hl sqrt[3]
   makeEquilateralTriangle[g, cx,           cy, sideLength, 0 deg, "Oratio - Prayer", "Meditatio - meditate", "Contemplatio - Contemplate", "Lectio Divinio"]
   makeEquilateralTriangle[g, cx,      cy + 2/3 ho, sideLength, 180 deg, "God the Father", "God the Son", "God the Holy Spirit"]
   makeEquilateralTriangle[g, cx + hl, cy + ho, sideLength, 0 deg, "Tropological - Love", "Allegorical - Faith", "Anagogical - Hope"]
   makeEquilateralTriangle[g, cx - hl, cy + ho, sideLength, 0 deg, "Inform", "Form - Consciences", "Transform (in Christ)", "Conformity"]

g = new graphics
g.font["SansSerif", "bold", .05]
makeTetrahedron[g, 0, 0, 1][]

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Alan Eliasen was born 20139 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes ago.