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// Indian Astronomy calculations
// Thanks to Toke Lindegaard Knudsen for the information.
// Much of this is based on his Ph.D dissertation, "The Siddhantasundara of
// Jnanaraja: A Critical Edition of Select Chapters with English Translation
// and Commentary", Brown University, 2008.
// Some references are made to _Calendrical Calculations_ by Reingold and
// Dershowitz.
// See also:
// WARNING: The above is fundamentally flawed in that it states that Julian
// day begins at midnight, when it actually begins at noon. This creates
// errors in *all* calculations in the paper.
// And a paper by Reingold and Dershowitz:
use sun.frink
// There is some discrepancy in sources concerning the size of a sidereal year.
// Calendrical Calculations gives 1,577,917,500 civil days in a kalpa (see 9.3)
// (equivalent Frink definition is
// saurayear := 1_577_917_500/4_320_000 days
// )
// while Knudsen's dissertation (table 3.1, p. 102) gives 1,577,917,828 civil
// days.
// The modern value, using the best-known size of a sidereal year gives
// 1,577,907,477 civil days. (In Frink notation
// "4320000 siderealyear -> days" )
// It's unclear which to use for high-accuracy
// calculations.
kalpa := 4_320_000_000 siderealyears
mahayuga := 1/1000 kalpa
saurayear := siderealyear
// A mahayuga is divided into 4 unequal yugas.
krtayuga := 4/10 mahayuga
tretayuga := 3/10 mahayuga
dvaparayuga := 2/10 mahayuga
kaliyuga := 1/10 mahayuga
// At present, we are in a Kaliyuga, which began 4,567*432,000 = 1,972,944,000
// sidereal years after the beginning of the Kalpa.
// The time of the beginning of the
// present Kaliyuga is 6 a.m. on February 18, 3102 BCE (Julian) in Lanka (this
// corresponds to local sunrise in Lanka, which is a mythological city said
// to be located at the intersection of the terrestrial equator and the prime
// meridian of the Indian tradition, which goes through the city of Ujjain in
// Madhya Pradesh).
UjjainLongitude = DMS[75, 46, 6] East
// This is the time correction that has to be *added* to Ujjain time to get
// UTC. (Note that it is a negative number.) UTC is found by subtracting
// (5 hours + 3 min + 4.4 seconds) from Ujjain local time.
// Alternately, it is the time that has to be *subtracted* from UTC to get
// Ujjain time. (Note that it's a negative number, so to get Ujjain local
// time, add (5 hours + 3 min + 4.4 seconds) to UTC.
UjjainMeanTimeCorrection = UjjainLongitude * (day/circle)
IndianMoonRotation := kalpa / 57_753_300_000
IndianMoonApogee := kalpa / 488_105_858
IndianMoonNode := kalpa / 232_311_168
// Converts a number which may be in the form 7;12,13 into Devanagari digits.
numberToDevanagari[str] :=
str =~ %s/[,;]/\u0964/g
str =~ %s/([0-9])/char[char[$1]-char["0"]+ 0x0966]/eg
return str
// Converts a Devanagari number to the form popularized by Otto Neugebauer,
// for example, 14;23,12,14
DevanagariToNeugebauer[str] :=
r = new array
first = true
for c = chars[str]
if (c >= 0x0966 and c <= 0x096f)
c = c - 0x0966 + char["0"]
if (c == 0x0964)
if (first)
c = char[";"]
c = char[","]
first = false
return char[r]
// Parses a Devanagari number as an integer part in base 10, then an arbitrary
// number of parts in base 60 separated by the DEVANAGARI DANDA character
parseDevanagariFraction[str] :=
parts = split["\u0964", str] // Break on danda character
len = length[parts]
s = parseDevanagariInteger[parts@0]
base = 1
for i = 1 to len-1
base = base * 60
s = s + parseDevanagariInteger[parts@i]/base
return s
// Parses an integer either as Devanagari characters or Arabic numerals.
parseDevanagariInteger[str] :=
zero = char["0"]
nine = char["9"]
s = 0
for c=chars[str]
if (c >= 0x0966 and c <= 0x096f)
c = c - 0x0966
if (c >= zero and c <= nine)
c = c - zero
return "Invalid character in $str"
s = s*10 + c
return s
// Converts a floating-point number to the sexagesimal form popularized by
// Otto Neugebauer, such as 14;12,13
sexagesimal[n, fracDigits=6] :=
n = round[n, 60^-fracDigits]
int = trunc[n] // Integer part
frac = n - int
str = "$int"
d = 0
while ((d < fracDigits) and (frac != 0))
if (d < fracDigits-1)
part = trunc[frac * 60]
part = round[frac * 60]
frac = frac*60 - part
if (d==0)
str = str + ";"
str = str + ","
str = str + part
return str
// Rata Die from Calendrical Calculations.
// This should be corrected for timezone, although the RD calculations are
// more of a toy calculation which assumes that every day is reckoned at noon
// and omits any consideration of timezone or time of day which are
// oversimplifications which makes it less than useful in the real world.
rd[date] := ((date - # 0001-01-03 00:00 UTC #) / day) + 1
// Calculate the ahargana based on offset from Julian day. This should
// be corrected based on the time of day at which the ahargana began (e.g.
// midnight or 6 AM) and for the longitude in which the beginning of the
// ahargana was said to begin.
ahargana[date] := (JD[date] - JD[# BC 3102-02-18 06:00 Ujjain #]) / day
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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes ago.