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/** This program calculates the effect of the Coriolis force on a kicked
football. (Or any other projectile). It models the effects of the
Coriolis force in 3 dimensions.
For the equations and coordinate system used, see:
var t1
var t2
var e1
var e2
var n1
var n2
var u1
var u2
for useCoriolis = [false, true]
// Initial velocity components
veast = 0 mph
vnorth = 70 mph
vup = 10 mph
// Initial positions; will terminate when up = 0 m
east = 0 yards
north = 0 yards
up = 3 inches // Initial height above ground.
timestep = 0.0001 s
omega = 1 revolution/day // Rotation rate of the earth
latitude = +40 degrees // Boulder, Colorado
t = 0 s
while up > 0 mm
t = t + timestep
// Eastward component
if useCoriolis
aeast = 2 omega (vnorth sin[latitude] - vup cos[latitude])
aeast = 0 m/s^2
veast = veast + aeast timestep
east = east + veast timestep
// Northward component
if useCoriolis
anorth = 2 omega (-veast sin[latitude])
anorth = 0 m/s^2
vnorth = vnorth + anorth timestep
north = north + vnorth timestep
// Upward component
aup = -gravity // Constant gravity
if useCoriolis
aup = aup + 2 omega (veast cos[latitude]) // Add coriolis effect upwards
vup = vup + aup timestep // deltaV = a t
up = up + vup timestep // deltaDistance = v t
println["\nuseCoriolis = $useCoriolis:\nt: " + format[t, "s", 3] + "\t" +
"East: " + format[east, "yards", 3] + "\t" +
"North: " + format[north,"yards", 3] + "\t" +
"Up: " + format[up, "yards", 3]]
if useCoriolis == false
[t1, e1, n1, u1] =[t, east, north, up]
[t2, e2, n2, u2] =[t, east, north, up]
// Calculate total deflection
dtotal = sqrt[(e2-e1)^2 + (n2-n1)^2 + (u2-u1)^2]
println["\nDeflection difference due to Coriolis effect:"]
println["dt: " + format[t2-t1, "s", 3] + "\t" +
"dEast: " + format[e2-e1,"mm",3] + "\t" +
"dNorth: " + format[n2-n1,"mm",3] + "\t" +
"dUp: " + format[u2-u1,"mm",3] + "\n" +
"total: " + format[dtotal,"mm",3]]
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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20238 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes ago.