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// Puzzle from CarTalk via Jenny Williams:
// What's a five letter, one syllable word, that if you removed either of the
// first two letters (but not both), you'd end up with a homophone of the
// original word?
// Put four-letter, one-syllable words into a dictionary
fours = new dict
// The wordlist files are part of the Moby wordlist project, available at:
for line = lines["file:///home/eliasen/prog/mobydict/mpron/cmupronunciation.txt"]
if [word, pron] = line =~ %r/^(\w{4})(?:\(\d\))?\s+(.*)/
if ! (pron =~ %r/(0|2)/) // Eliminate multi-syllable words
fours@word = pron
// Now test five-letter words
for line = lines["file:///home/eliasen/prog/mobydict/mpron/cmupronunciation.txt"]
if [word, pron] = line =~ %r/^(\w{5})(?:\(\d\))?\s+(.*)/
if ! (pron =~ %r/(0|2)/) // Eliminate multi-syllable words
w2 = right[word, 4] // Take last 4 letters
p2 = fours@w2 // Look up pronunciation
w3 = left[word,1] + right[word,3] // Take first letter & last 3
p3 = fours@w3 // Look up pronunciation
if pron == p2 and pron == p3
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Alan Eliasen was born 20262 days, 14 hours, 52 minutes ago.