
Download or view TravellersDilemma.frink in plain text format

// Solution for the "traveller's dilemma" problem:

// Tweak these to see the effects of different strategies and penalties.
penalty = 2
lucymin = 2
lucymax = 100
petemin = 2
petemax = 100

for lucy=lucymin to lucymax
   lucysum = 0
   petesum = 0
   totalsum = 0
   for pete=petemin to petemax
      if pete == lucy           // Both choose same, rewarded same.
         lucypayoff = lucy
         petepayoff = pete
      } else
         if pete > lucy         // Pete chose higher
            lucypayoff = lucy+penalty       // Lucy gets rewarded
            petepayoff = lucy-penalty       // Pete gets punished
         } else
            // Lucy chose higher, she gets punished
            lucypayoff = pete - penalty
            petepayoff = pete + penalty
      lucysum = lucysum + lucypayoff
      petesum = petesum + petepayoff
      totalsum = lucysum + petesum

   lucyave = lucysum / (petemax-petemin+1.)
   totalave = totalsum / (petemax-petemin+1.)

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Alan Eliasen was born 20143 days, 9 hours, 43 minutes ago.