Download or view SaturnChristmas.frink in plain text format
/** I got a telescope for Christmas when I was about 6 years old. I pointed it
out the window and the very first bright "star" I focused on turned out to
be Saturn! What are the odds? This program calculates the position of
Saturn every Christmas about 8 PM to verify my recollection.
use planets.frink
use sun.frink
lat = 39.6 degrees North
long = 104.9 degrees West
for y = 1969 to 2020
d = parseDate["$y-12-25 08:00 PM Mountain"]
[az, alt] = Planet.Saturn.refractedAzimuthAltitude[d, lat, long]
println["$d\t" + format[(az + 180 degrees) mod circle, degrees, 6] + "\t" + format[alt,degrees,6]]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20262 days, 14 hours, 42 minutes ago.