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/** This makes a replacement piece for my "Perfection" game for 3-D printing.
r = 254/in // Voxel resolution
bottomWidth = 13.6 mm // Outside measurement
topWidth = 16.0mm // Outside measurement
topWallThickness = 1.7 mm
bottomWallThickness = 1.1 mm
wallHeight = 8.0 mm
lidThickness = 1.1 mm
spindleDiamBottom = 5.5 mm
spindleDiamTop = 3.8 mm
spindleHeight = 12.1 mm
yHeight = 13.0 mm // Outside measurement
br = bottomWallThickness / 2 // bottom radius of cone used as tool
tr = topWallThickness / 2
xr0 = bottomWidth / 2 - br
xr1 = topWidth / 2 - br
y1 = yHeight / 2 - br
// Make a Point2DFloatList (polygon) to represent the shape of the piece.
poly = newJava[""]
poly.addPoint[-xr0 r, -y1 r] // Bottom left
poly.addPoint[xr0 r, -y1 r] // Bottom right
poly.addPoint[xr1 r, y1 r] // Top right
poly.addPoint[-xr1 r, y1 r] // Top left
// old vs. new : make tapered walls
// old:
// Make the tool to draw the walls
//tool = callJava["", "makeTaperedCylinder", [0,0,0, 0,0,wallHeight r, br r, tr r]]
//v = callJava["", "strokeZ", [poly, tool, 0,0,wallHeight/2 r, true]]
// new:
v = callJava["", "strokeZTapered", [poly, 0, wallHeight r, br r, tr r, true]]
// Make lid
lidPoly = poly.scaleAround[0,0,1.4] // Scale around the bottom dimensions
lid = v.extrudeZ[lidPoly, wallHeight r, (wallHeight+lidThickness) r]
v = v.union[lid]
// Make spindle
spindle = v.makeTaperedCylinder[0,0,(wallHeight + lidThickness) r, 0,0,(wallHeight+lidThickness+spindleHeight) r, spindleDiamBottom/2 r, spindleDiamTop/2 r]
v = v.union[spindle]
filename = "PerfectionPiece.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["Perfection", 1 / (r mm)]]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes ago.