
Download or view FontWidthEstimatorBuilder.frink in plain text format

// This program builds character width tables for use in estimating
// the length of a given string.  It is used to build the
// tables.

bi = newJava["java.awt.image.BufferedImage", [100, 100, staticJava["java.awt.image.BufferedImage", "TYPE_INT_ARGB"]]]
g2 = bi.createGraphics[]
frc = g2.getFontRenderContext[]

fontnames = ["Serif", "SansSerif"] //, "Monospaced"]
rep = 40

min = 0
max = 0x1400

sum = new array
maxA = new array
for i=min to max
   sum@i = 0
   maxA@i = 0

for fn = fontnames
   for size = 5 to 40
      f = newJava["java.awt.Font", [fn, 3, size]]
      for c = min to max
         str = repeat[char[c], rep]
         rect = f.getStringBounds[str, frc]
         width = rect.width
         normalized = width / size / rep
         sum@c = sum@c + normalized
         if normalized > maxA@c
            maxA@c = normalized
//         println[char[c] + "\t" + normalized]

for i = min to max
   print[format[maxA@i,1,4]+ "f /* \\u" + padLeft[hex[i], 4, "0"]]
   if i>=32 and i<=127
      print[" " + char[i]]
   print[" */
, "]
   if (i % 3 == 2)

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 12 hours, 27 minutes ago.