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start = now[]
// Generate a random 10x10 grid with "1" being on and "0" being off
instructions = ["1000100110","0001100010","1000111101","1001111110","0000110011","1111000001","0100001110","1011101001","1001011000","1101110111"]
// Create dictionary of starting positions.
rowCounter = 0
display = new dict
for instructionStr = instructions
rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
columnCounter = 0
for instruction = charList[instructionStr]
columnCounter = columnCounter + 1
arr = [rowCounter,columnCounter]
if instruction == "1"
display@arr = 1
display@arr = 0
// Create toggle dictionary to track changes. It starts off with everything off.
// the keys are [x,y] coordinates and the values are 0 and 1
toggle = new dict
multifor point = [new range[1,10],new range[1,10]]
toggle@point = 0
// Animate the game of life
a = new Animation[3/s]
// Loop through 10 changes to the grid. The starting points will tick down to
// two stable unchanging shapes in 10 steps.
for i = 1 to 12 // 12 steps so animation will pause on final state.
// Graphics item for this frame of the animation.
g = new graphics
// Add in a transparent shape to prevent the image from jiggle to automatic scaling.
g.color[0,0,0,0] // Transparent black
g.fillRectSides[-1, -1, 12, 12] // Set minimum size
g.clipRectSides[-1, -1, 12, 12] // Set maximum size
g.color[0,0,0] // Color back to default black
multifor tval = [new range[1,10],new range[1,10]]
[x1,y1] = tval
// This is programmed with a hard edge. Points beyond the border aren't considered.
xmax = min[x1+1,10]
xmin = max[x1-1,1]
ymax = min[y1+1,10]
ymin = max[y1-1,1]
// Range will be 8 surrounding cells or cells up to border.
pointsum = 0
status = 0
// Process each surrounded point
multifor point = [xmin to xmax, ymin to ymax]
[x2,y2] = point
if x2 == x1 && y2 == y1
status = display@point
else // Calculate the total of surrounding points
pointsum = pointsum + display@point
// Animate if the point is on.
if status == 1
toggle@tval = status // This will be overwritten if needed by neighbor check conditions below.
// Check if off point has 3 on point neighbors
if status == 0 && pointsum == 3
toggle@tval = 1
// Check if on point has between 2 and 3 on point neighbors
if status == 1 && (pointsum < 2 || pointsum > 3)
toggle@tval = 0
// Add the current frame to the animation
// Replace the current display with the toggle values.
for [key, val] = toggle
display@key = val
// Write the animation file
end = now[]
println["Program run time: " + ((end - start)*1.0 -> "seconds")]
Download or view ConwaysLife.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
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Alan Eliasen was born 20145 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes ago.