@echo off REM Script to start Frink in command-line mode on windows. REM ---------------Configurable parameters begin---------------- REM Replace this with the full path to your java executable SET JAVA=java REM Replace this with the path to your frink.jar file SET FRINKJAR=c:\prog\frink\jar\frink.jar REM ---------------Configurable parameters end------------------ REM If you only have the Java Virtual Machine installed, you may not have the REM Server virtual machine installed. The server virtual machine is used when REM invoking Frink with command-line arguments (e.g. the name of a program.) REM This takes somewhat longer startup time, but makes programs run about REM twice as fast. If you don't have the Server VM installed,remove the REM -server option below. REM Check to see if arguments were passed if xyz%1zyx == xyzzyx goto NOARG REM If we're running with arguments, "%JAVA%" -server -Xmx192M -cp "%FRINKJAR%" frink.gui.FrinkStarter %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto END :NOARG "%JAVA%" -Xmx64M -cp "%FRINKJAR%" frink.gui.FrinkStarter %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 :END