/** This is an attempt to parse large integers more rapidly than Java currently does with its BigInteger(String) constructor, which is O(n^2) in the number of digits. NOTE: As of the 2017-04-12 release of Frink, this recursive parsing is done automatically when Frink parses integers, and this file is no longer necessary. The performance improvement was striking. For example, parsing the largest-known Mersenne prime 2^74207281-1 went from 13124 seconds (that's about 218 minutes) down to 68.392 s (just over a minute), a factor of 192 times faster! This improvement makes parsing of giant numbers from Java's worse-than O(n^2) to about O(n^1.513) at 10 million digits (with a good constant.) See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14757086/new-bigintegerstring-performance-complexity?rq=1 This algorithm is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm that is extremely simple. It recursively the string into two approximate halves (the halves don't have to be exact,) and calls itself on each half of the result. The result is calculated as: parseRecursive[left] * radix^length[right] + parseRecursive[right] NOTE: This version only handles positive numbers. */ parseRecursive[str] := { len = length[str] if len <= 1280 // TODO: Tune this threshold return parseInt[str] // Bottom case, use non-recursive built-in routine halfLen = len div 2 left = left[str, -halfLen] // Whatever's left after taking halfLen chars // from the right right = right[str, halfLen] // Take exactly halfLen chars from the right return parseRecursive[left] * 10^halfLen + parseRecursive[right] } // Parse recursively and test the result. This returns the time taken // by the parseRecursive call. It does not include the (possibly much greater) // time taken by the old parseInt[str] call that it's testing against. parseRecursiveTest[str, iterations=1] := { start = now[] result = -1 for i = 1 to iterations result = parseRecursive[str] end = now[] if result != parseInt[str] println["Error:\n in: $str\n out: $result"] return end-start } // Parse recursively and time the result, returning the time taken. parseRecursiveTime[str, iterations] := { start = now[] for i = 1 to iterations result = parseRecursive[str] end = now[] return end-start } // Timing test lastTime = undef for i=1 to 7 { n = 10^(10^i) - 1 str = toString[n] iterations = 10^max[7-i, 0] time = parseRecursiveTest[str, iterations] print["Time to parse " + length[str] + " digits ($iterations iterations):\t" + format[time, "ms", 0]] if lastTime != undef && lastTime > 0 s && time > 0 s { time = time/iterations order = log[time/lastTime] / log[10] println["\tO(n^" + format[order, 1, 3] + ")"] } else println[] lastTime = time }