use Matrix.frink /** This class finds least-squares curve fits. It takes a set of points in x and y and returns the best fit for a given curve type. It allows you to specify the "basis functions" (or basis expressions) for the curve type. For example, if you wanted to find the best linear fit, the basis functions would be [x, 1]. For a quadratic (squared) fit, the basis functions would be [x^2, x, 1]. This class finds the coefficients that best fit the provided points. That is, for the fit to a line mentioned above, this would calculate the coefficients c1, c2 to best solve y = c1 x + c2 This uses the Matrix.frink class to perform its solution, notably the leastSquares[] method. See the leastSquaresTest.frink program for examples of use of this library. Curve-fitting can be performed on an overdetermined system, where there are more measurements than equations. This is the best discussion I've seen of least-squares fitting: See: See also for special curve fits: Also see curveFit.frink for clear examples of linear and quadratic fit. */ class LeastSquares { /** An array of x values to fit. */ var xvalues /** An array of y values to fit. */ var yvalues /** An array of basis expressions. */ var basisExprs /** The variable which contains the curve fit coefficients. It is a one-column matrix */ var sol /** Construct and solve the system. */ new[xvalues, yvalues, basisExprs] := { this.xvalues = xvalues this.yvalues = yvalues this.basisExprs = basisExprs sol = fit[] } class fitLinear[xvalues, yvalues] := { return fitDegree[xvalues, yvalues, 1] } class fitQuadratic[xvalues, yvalues] := { return fitDegree[xvalues, yvalues, 2] } class fitCubic[xvalues, yvalues] := { return fitDegree[xvalues, yvalues, 3] } class fitDegree[xvalues, yvalues, degree] := { // Make basis functions like [x^2, x, 1] a = new array for i = 0 to degree a.pushFirst[constructExpression["Power", [noEval[x], i]]] return new LeastSquares[xvalues, yvalues, a] } /** Performs the internal curve fitting. Solutions are placed into the variable sol which is a one-column Matrix. */ fit[] := { rows = length[xvalues] cols = length[basisExprs] a = new array[[rows,cols],0] for row = 0 to rows-1 for col = 0 to cols-1 { x = xvalues@row a@row@col = eval[basisExprs@col] } A = new Matrix[a] B = new Matrix[yvalues.transpose[]] return A.leastSquares[B] } /** Returns an string representing the best fit. For example, this might return "3.21 x + 1.54" for a linear fit. */ toExpressionString[varname = "x"] := { cols = length[basisExprs] estr = "" for col = 0 to cols-1 { be2 = substituteExpression[basisExprs@col, parseToExpression["x"], parseToExpression[varname]] estr = estr + "(" + inputForm[sol.get[col+1, 1]] + " * " + inputForm[be2] + ")" if col < cols-1 estr = estr + " + " } return estr } /** Returns an expression representing the best fit. For example, this might return 3.21 x + 1.54 for a linear fit. */ toExpression[varname = "x"] := { return parseToExpression[toExpressionString[varname]] } /** Returns an anonymous single-argument function that represents the best fit, which you can then use to calculate additional y values. For example, you could call it like: f = toFunction[] y1 = f[1] y2 = f[2] */ toFunction[varname = "x"] := { varsym = parseToExpression[varname] return constructExpression["AnonymousFunction", [[varsym], toExpression[varname]]] } /** Returns the solution coefficients as a 1-column Matrix. */ toMatrix[] := { return sol } /** Returns the solution coefficients as a row array. */ toArray[] := { return sol.getColumnAsArray[1] } /** Calculate the RMS of the residuals. */ residual[] := { f = toFunction[] size = length[xvalues] r = 0 (yvalues@0)^2 // Make units work out for i = 0 to size-1 r = r + (yvalues@i - f[xvalues@i])^2 return sqrt[r] } /** Calculates the r-value of the correlation between the yvalues and the fit function's predicted yvalues. See */ rValue[] := { f = toFunction[] ycalc = map[f, xvalues] len = length[yvalues] [meanx, sdx] = meanAndSD[yvalues, true] [meany, sdy] = meanAndSD[ycalc, true] //println["mean x: $meanx sdx: $sdx"] //println["mean y: $meany sdy: $sdy"] sum = undef // Make units come out right for i=rangeOf[yvalues] { term = ((yvalues@i - meanx) / sdx) * ((ycalc@i - meany) / sdy) if sum == undef sum = term else sum = sum + term } return sum / (len-1) } }